2024 Foraging Edible Mushrooms 50 Specimens in 500 Feet!!

Описание к видео 2024 Foraging Edible Mushrooms 50 Specimens in 500 Feet!!

Could you imaging Finding over 50 specimens of Fungus all within a few hundred feet!? There was a bite taken nearly out of everything. All the wildlife feed on them too and the deer were leaving pieces of American Caesar - Amanita jacksonii, everywhere..

I had so much joy documenting this find and seeing rare specimens for the first time ever!
This video shows them all up close along with the sights and sounds of the wildlife that day.

There were so many mushrooms this video could only fit in half of them.. When the second video is done I will link it to the end of this one. Thank you again for all the support!

Video Contents:
0:00 Intro
0:30 Kayaking To Secret Spot
1:12 young Burnt-orange Bolete - Tylopilus balloui - Edible
1:47 American parasol - Leucoagaricus americanus - Edible but confused with Chlorophyllum molybdites, Don’t Eat!
2:26 Undergoing research
2:45 young American Slender Caesar - Amanita jacksonii - Edible
3:05 young Burnt-orange Bolete - Edible but bitter
3:24 American Slender Caesar (Half missing) - Edible
3:51 Blushers with warts - Edible if WELL cooked
4:23 Rotting Indigo milk caps - Lactarius indigo - Edible when fresh
5:11 Stem of adult American Caesar pulled up by deer
5:45 baby American Slender Caesar
6:51 adult American Slender Caesar - Edible even when raw
7:23 sprouting Amanita (Bright yellow)
7:43 aged American Slender Caesar (Looks like a fried egg) Don’t eat
8:07 young Bolete
8:31 Trooping funnel - Infundibulicybe geotropa - Edible best when young
9:17 Coker's amanita - Amanita cokeri - POISONOUS
9:50 False Caesar’s mushroom - Amanita parcivolvata - Suspected to be Poisonous
10:32 Pleated Inkcap - Parasola plicatilis - Inedible nonpoisonous
11:26 baby Southern Toad
12:01 Red Cracking Bolete - Xerocomellus chrysenteron - Edible but not desirable
12:23 False Caesar’s mushroom - Suspected to be Poisonous
12:40 sprouting American Slender Caesar - Edible
13:04 Shelf fungus with Lichen growth!**
13:25 young Burnt-orange Bolete- Edible but bitter
14:00 sprouting Amanita cokeri (warped by heavy rain storms) POISONOUS
14:18 Brown pored Bolete - Boletus vermiculosus - Ediblity unknown
14:34 White Coral fungus - Ramariopsis kunzei - Edible but tasteless
15:35 Veiled Oyster - Pleurotus dryinus - Edible best when young
16:03 Turtle shell
17:02 young Oyster mushroom - Pleurotis ostreatus - Edible has potassium and Vitamin B3
17:35 Deer bones
17:51 American Slender Caesar (twice bitten) Edible
18:13 Summer Oyster - Pleurotus pulmonarius - Edible

Rule #1: Never eat anything you’re not 100% certain you’ve correctly identified. There are plenty of plants and mushrooms that can kill you or make you very sick.

Any Amanitas should not be eaten because any misidentification within the genus could be deadly.


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