WHITE’S Smoke Jumper

Описание к видео WHITE’S Smoke Jumper

Otto White literally travelled across the county from East to West, to design and produce what would become the cornerstone upon which the temple of Pacific Northwest Boots would be built. White’s wasn’t my first choice into PNW boots, but it really wasn’t for any other reason than looking at the smaller manufacturers, first. If I had purchased the White’s first, I may have very well stopped there — well probably not, but you get the point. When you put on a White’s boot, well the Smokejumper anyway, you know you are wearing something special. The Smokejumper has a similar shape to the the WESCO Jobmaster in the vamp, or the other way around. It is a solid quality boot and reminds me of Frank’s or Drew’s USA loggers but with a twist. The shaft of the boot offers a custom like fit without being a custom boot. Quality full grain leather sits atop a rubber slip sole between a thick leather midsole and a Fire and Ice Vibram lug sole. To say I really like this boot is an understatement. White’s has a fairly lengthy lead time for custom boots, nothing close to the 19 month of WESCO - fortunately. Stock offerings are not abundant, but available in some sizes, nonetheless. I would make a very high recommendation of White’s Smokejumper, based on my experience.
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