Paper Mario Inspired ROBLOX Game with Chat HOMIES!! | Block Tales

Описание к видео Paper Mario Inspired ROBLOX Game with Chat HOMIES!! | Block Tales

Block Tales is a Multiplayer Turn Based RPG inspired by Paper Mario 64 and Earthbound! It was created in Roblox. These paper mario inspired games have been really good so far, so I'm super excited to play this one!

SHOUT OUT to my YouTube homies ‪@bysavi1‬ (bySavi). ‪@halt4902‬
(wyvern), ‪@fromthelandscape‬ (wind) and ‪@TWGatorade‬ (TWGatorade) who joined me and my sister for this! If a spot opens up, say hi in chat and ask to play! Totally down to keep playing with more of my YouTube homies!

#blocktales #papermario #robloxwithchathomies


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