Giesinger Fest beer (from Trembling Madness) V Bischofshof Festbier from Lidl

Описание к видео Giesinger Fest beer (from Trembling Madness) V Bischofshof Festbier from Lidl

#beer #beerreview #germanbeer

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I started this beer reviewing channel after I found myself searching out lots of craft beer breweries and enjoying amazing beers, I then decided to start the channel to share these beers with you, however I also realised people like to see beer reviews of every type of beer including beers that are available in supermarkets. so yes whilst I do review a lot of craft breweries I will review any beer. On the odd occasion I will also do food reviews.

whilst I enjoy reviewing beers I also enjoy watching other beer reviewers and I have made some good friends in the beer review community.

Here is a list of some other beer reviewers I like to watch (there are many more I watch).

Dean's beer reviews
All the Beer No Idea
I've had worse
Scott and Wanda's World
Paul's Beer Reviews
Northern Southern Beer Reviews
The Craft Beer Hub
The Crumby Beard


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