Sacred Geometry by Isha Sharvani and Russell Thorpe

Описание к видео Sacred Geometry by Isha Sharvani and Russell Thorpe

India is a country of of tradition and ancient spiritual knowledge. The investigation that we are exploring is transferring this knowledge into a physical, relatable, contemporary form. We draw on an extensive use of Mudras (hand gestures) found in Indian Dance forms to frame our story telling. From a physical starting point on the floor, we are building a unique movement language the blends the specificity of the Indian classical forms with the abstractness of western contemporary dance, while accompanied by original composition from Tao Issaro.
“We are trying to design our personal physical geometry in such a way that it aligns and reflects with the cosmic geometry” - Senior Artistic Choreographer/Consultant, Daksha Sheth for ASCENT.
This excerpt from ASCENT has been shot and edited by Mitchell Aldridge.


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