VAT - Digitally signed Certificate Download

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You are watching how to download digitally signed certificate from Maharashtra government's sales tax website at    • VAT - Digitally signed Certificate Do...  

Do you wish to download your digitally signed registration certificate from Maharashtra government’s department of sales tax website? Just follow the steps and shown and you will be able to achieve your goal. If you are a new user of the website, you will have to register on the website. Simply go to and click on new user, register here, on the homepage. Then click on dealer enrollment option. Enter your TIN number and click submit button. You will have to enter the dealer information, password and password recall details. Then simply click submit. Now you have enrolled at Maharashtra government’s department of sales tax website. Now we should easily be able to download the registration certificate. You will have to again visit, but now you will have to click on Login on the homepage. You can enter the TIN as your login id and password which you had entered at the time of enrollment. You will have to select type as dealer and click the login button. From the list e-services option available, you will click on the registration certificates link. Now, you will have to click on the application number to download the certificate. You can download and save the certificate of registration on your computer. Consider opening the certificate using Acrobat Reader. Now let see how we validate your digital signature. If the digital signature is showing invalid on digital certificate then right Click on the Digital Signature and click on “Validate Signature” Option. Click on the “Signature Properties” button as shown. Click on the “Show Signer’s Certificate” button. Now, Click on the “Trust” Tab. And then Click on the “Add to Trusted Certificate” Button. Here, you will have to click on the “All Check Boxes” and then click “Ok” button. Finally, Click on the “Validate Signature” button. Validated Signature On Registration Certificate will look like this After digital signature validation consider taking the printout of Certification of Registration and keep it in the safe custody.


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