Sri Vaidyanatha Ashtakam is a beautiful hymn composed by Sri Adi Shankaracharya. Lord Shiva is considered as the King among Physicians (Lord Vaidyanatha). Many people visit Vaitheeswaran Koil in Tamil Nadu to pray to Him for curing serious illnesses/diseases when they or their family members are affected by it. Devotees who are desirous of getting cured of diseases should recite Sri Vaidyanatha Ashtakam thrice a day.
Devotees pray to the Lord Vaidyanatha, who is with His consort Valambika (Thaiyal Nayaki). He removes the fear of birth and death and cures all great diseases. The stotra has eight slokas and it is recommended to offer (namaskaram) obeisance at the end of each sloka.
Lyrics and meaning:
श्रीरामसौमित्रिजटायुवेद षडाननादित्य कुजार्चिताय ।
श्रीनीलकण्ठाय दयामयाय श्रीवैद्यनाथाय नमःशिवाय ॥ १॥
Oh Lord Vaidyanatha, the One who is worshipped by Rama, Lakshmana, Jatayu, the four Vedas, Lord Subrahmanya, the Sun God, the Mars God, who is having a blue throat, who is ever merciful to His devotees, I offer my obeisance to the Lord who is the King among Physicians.
गङ्गाप्रवाहेन्दु जटाधराय त्रिलोचनाय स्मर कालहन्त्रे ।
समस्त देवैरभिपूजिताय श्रीवैद्यनाथाय नमः शिवाय ॥ २॥
Oh Lord Vaidyanatha, the One who adorns the sacred Ganga and the crescent moon on His head, who has three eyes, who killed Manmatha (God of love) and Yama (God of death), who is worshipped by all Devas, I offer my obeisance to the Lord who is the King among Physicians.
भक्तःप्रियाय त्रिपुरान्तकाय पिनाकिने दुष्टहराय नित्यम् ।
प्रत्यक्षलीलाय मनुष्यलोके श्रीवैद्यनाथाय नमः शिवाय ॥ ३॥
Oh Lord Vaidyanatha, the One who loves his devotees, who has destroyed the three cities, who holds the bow called ‘Pinaka’, One who destroys evil people, one who enacts His divine play which enables people to realize Him, I offer my obeisance to the Lord who is the King among Physicians.
प्रभूतवातादि समस्तरोग प्रनाशकर्त्रे मुनिवन्दिताय ।
प्रभाकरेन्द्वग्नि विलोचनाय श्रीवैद्यनाथाय नमः शिवाय ॥ ४॥
Oh Lord Vaidyanatha, the One who cures all great diseases which affects from head to toe of the human body, who is saluted by great sages, for whom the Sun, Moon and Fire are eyes, I offer my obeisance to the Lord who is the King among Physicians.
वाक् श्रोत्र नेत्राङ्घ्रि विहीनजन्तोः वाक्श्रोत्रनेत्रांघ्रिसुखप्रदाय ।
कुष्ठादिसर्वोन्नतरोगहन्त्रे श्रीवैद्यनाथाय नमः शिवाय ॥ ५॥
Oh Lord Vaidyanatha, the One who blesses those beings who have lost their speech, hearing, sight and ability to walk with these abilities, who provides cure for devastating diseases like leprosy, I offer my obeisance to the Lord who is the King among Physicians.
वेदान्तवेद्याय जगन्मयाय योगीश्वरद्येय पदाम्बुजाय ।
त्रिमूर्तिरूपाय सहस्रनाम्ने श्रीवैद्यनाथाय नमः शिवाय ॥ ६॥
Oh Lord Vaidyanatha, the One who can be known through Vedanta, who is present everywhere across the universe, whose lotus feet is meditated upon by great sages, who is of the form of Trimurthi (Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva), who has thousand names, I offer my obeisance to the Lord who is the King among Physicians.
स्वतीर्थमृद्भस्मभृताङ्गभाजां पिशाचदुःखार्तिभयापहाय ।
आत्मस्वरूपाय शरीरभाजां श्रीवैद्यनाथाय नमः शिवाय ॥ ७॥
Oh Lord Vaidyanatha, the one who removes all sufferings by taking a dip in the holy tank, through the medicinal sacred ash, through the soil taken from the neem tree of the temple; The one who removes the effects caused by bad spirits, the one who removes all fear and sorrow, the one who is the personification of the soul as Paramatma, I offer my obeisance to the Lord who is the King among Physicians.
श्रीनीलकण्ठाय वृषध्वजाय स्रक्गन्ध भस्माद्यभिशोभिताय ।
सुपुत्रदारादि सुभाग्यदाय श्रीवैद्यनाथाय नमः शिवाय ॥ ८॥
Oh Lord Vaidyanatha, the One who has the blue throat, who has the bull on his flag, who shines by flowers, sacred ash and sandal, who grants devotees with good children and spouse, who blesses with all good luck and prosperity, I offer my obeisance to the Lord who is the King among Physicians.
वालाम्बिकेश वैद्येश भवरोगहरेति च ।
जपेन्नामत्रयं नित्यं महारोगनिवारणम् ॥ ९॥
Those who recite this stotra thrice a day with devotion and pray to the Lord Vaidyanatha who is with His consort Valambika (Thaiyal Nayaki), would get cured of all great diseases and removed of the fear of birth and death.
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