Building from scratch to a beautiful Wedding venue | Swastik Decor | Reclipse Photography & Films

Описание к видео Building from scratch to a beautiful Wedding venue | Swastik Decor | Reclipse Photography & Films

Swastik Decors & Events

Firsts are always special because there's nothing like first. It was always a dream working with this finest event company in India. Absolutely delighted to shoot such gorgeous decor and with such amiable people. It was equally exciting as it was THE FIRST

Thank you Swastik Team for your trust on Team Reclipse and letting us be part of this little journey of yours.

Amazing Decor by : Swastik Decor & Events
Shot by : Reclipse Photography & Team

#eventmanagement #makingofthisdecor #swastikdecors #reclipsephotography #krishnadodiya


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