Film-premier trailer "Fausto, un regreso del futuro"

Описание к видео Film-premier trailer "Fausto, un regreso del futuro"

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#Faust #movie #trailer
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The extended version of 2018 February-( that is promoted by these trailers) has specific traits which constitute a distinct kind of cinematography. These are: the fictional acquiring the attributes of a documentation and the poetic imageries are constantly in a dialectic relation and collision, reaching a threshold at the end by which the reality merges to the dream -nightmare.
The Contra-puncto architecture of film structure is reflected by the music which translates the image and is fully adapted to the rhythm of the moving images. The voice-over technique is part of the musical structure aiming to contribute to the musical equations that are built in the mind of the viewer. Moreover the voice over is applied to the Ecco of the stochastic processes of supernatural structures like the "spirits" (or "ghosts", if you like) but as well to the actual persons in a moment of transcendence. This is carried deliberately and the music is composed in function of this voiceover technique.
The wide use of shadows, mirror refections and the such are elements of my art for many years now and are serving the above purpose of a "transcendent reality" overwhelming the actions of the heroes.
The dance theatre is greatly involved in a part of the process of transformation which runs throughout the whole movie- the transformation of thought in movement which is reflected to the movement of the surroundings - the physical world which participates in the internal becoming of the heroes
Other innovations which are introduced are solutions to the rather complex contra-punctual architecture of the film which has the following implications: The reality is an internal loop which the history of thought ( represented by Goethe breaks and reconstructs in a nested equations system: the actions of heroes, and the becoming of the work of Goethe evolve within each other
The scene with the statue of the warriors as well as others are pending in a future driving the heroes within it. It is called telepathic fugue for three persons and a sculpture. At the moment the film poses a challenge on the narrative level, a challenge towards reality: the film within a film is getting stolen ( something that gives a "docudrama" element to the film as this has happened to the director in the past with her artwork) and poses a challenge - a kind of "prophecy" if this will happens to the real film itself...

Special trailer for the film-premier of the Film "Faust a return of the future at the 30th Girona film festival, were the film is an official selection. Subtitles in English and Spanish (Greek film)
Initial trailer with English, with more information in the description:
   • "Faust, a return from the future" A #...  


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