Tying Jig Head Emergers for the Winter Midge by Davie McPhail

Описание к видео Tying Jig Head Emergers for the Winter Midge by Davie McPhail

The CDC shuttlecock flies have been one of the best ways to represent emerging midge and can be tyed in any size to suit the many species that can hatch both on rivers and especially lochs..

Materials Used;
First Fly..
Hook, Fulling Mill 51 25 Jig Force Short size 22
Thread, Black Uni-8/0
Wing, White or Natural CDC Feathers
Rib, Fine Silver Wire
Body, Black Thread
Thorax, Fulling Mill Euro Nymph Flash Dub Black UV

Second Fly;
Materials Used,
Hook, Fulling Mill 5140 Jig Force Straight size 20
Thread, Black Uni-8/0
Wing Natural CDC or White
Body, Peacock Quill
Thorax, Fulling Mill Euro Nymph Flash Dub Dark Hare's Ear UV


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