Othala - Palved Uku poole

Описание к видео Othala - Palved Uku poole

👉 Uku (Estonian: Uku) is a figure in Estonian folklore and mythology, the supreme god, and a thunderer. On the northeastern coast of Estonia, he is also considered a house spirit (previously a deceased ancestor), to whom sacrifices were made for a new harvest or food on a sacrificial stone (Uku stone) or in a special container (Uku-vakk). The ancient Estonians did not have a well-developed concept of eternity or old age. Old age usually became the highest attribute of the heavenly ruler, hence he was given various names: Grandfather, Elder (Estonian: Vanataat, Vana-ätt), Old Man (Estonian: Vanamees), Heavenly Elder (Estonian: Taevataat), and also Uku. However, the last name is not often encountered in Estonian folk tales. In Estonian folklore, Uku likely appeared modeled after the Finnish supreme god Ukko.

Sacrifices to Uku were mainly offered in a rectangular box made of bast, twigs, and birch bark, with a hinged lid. Such a box was present in every household. In early spring, a special Uku ritual was conducted, involving the entire parish or village. During the ritual, Uku-vakks were delivered as offerings to the giant deity. All items accumulated in the Uku-vakk throughout the year were probably burned later.

In some regions, it is believed that Uku had a wife named Raun (Raunj, likely derived from the Swedish word rönn, "rowan"). Suggesting that the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary should be viewed as an echo of the spring solstice festival in honor of Uku and his wife Raun. Kreutzwald does not specify whether he is referring to the Estonian or Finnish Uku, nor who considers Raun to be Uku’s wife — Estonians or Finns. There is evidence suggesting that alongside Uku (Grandfather), the ancient Estonians also had Mother Earth (Estonian: Maaema). Kreutzwald borrowed information about Uku's wife from the chronicles of Thomas Hjerne. However, Hjerne calls Uku's wife Raun (Raunj); due to a typographical error, Kreutzwald referred to her as Rann (Rannj).


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