Mario and Luigi vs Sephiroth (Sprite Animation)

Описание к видео Mario and Luigi vs Sephiroth (Sprite Animation)

#mario #luigi #marioandluigi #finalfantasy #sephiroth #cloudstrife #spriteanimations #spriteanimation #smbz
I'm late to the meme, but I finally made a finished animation! :D. I'm both proud and not so proud of it at the same time, mainly cuz I need to fix my pacing and I got lazy near the end, as you'll probably tell.

If I ever do upload again (which most definitely is gonna be awhile), it'll be much smaller videos since this is the biggest one I've made so far.

Mario Sprites by Asylusgoji91
Luigi Sprites by Asylusgoji91
Sephiroth Sprites by MGSSJ2

Music Used
Big Bang! - Mario & Luigi Paper Jam
Long Sword Alert! - Mario & Luigi Sephiroth's Inside Story


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