0625/23/M/J/23 | 0625_s23_qp_23 | 2023 May/June 23 | IGCSE Physics MCQ Past Paper 2 | Full Video

Описание к видео 0625/23/M/J/23 | 0625_s23_qp_23 | 2023 May/June 23 | IGCSE Physics MCQ Past Paper 2 | Full Video

00:14 1. The speed–time graph shows the motion of an object.
1:16 2.Which statement about a falling object accelerating close to the Earth’s surface is correct?
3:00 3.An aircraft is moving at 60m/s in a northerly direction when a cross-wind from the east starts to blow. The speed of the wind is 13 m / s
4:08 4.Two rectangular blocks consist of different materials.
Four different methods are suggested to compare the two masses
6:00 5.An object in a space probe above the Earth weighs 3.5 N. The gravitational field strength at the height of the space probe is 7.0 N / kg.
7:14 6. A cyclist is travelling in a straight line along a horizontal road at a constant speed.
8:57 7. A spring has an unstretched length of 3.0 cm. When a force of 60 N is applied to the spring, its length increases to 5.0 cm. The limit of proportionality is not exceeded
9:58 8. The diagram shows the minimum force F1 acting vertically on a lever required to lift a heavy log of weight W
11:48 9. A ball of mass 0.25kg hits a wall at a speed of 16m/s. It then rebounds back along its original
13:13 10. A bicycle braking system transfers energy from a kinetic energy store to an internal energy store.
14:07 11. Research is being carried out to produce electrical energy from the fusion of hydrogen nuclei.
14:46 12. The engine of a motor vehicle develops a large power.
15:23 13. The graph shows how the pressure due to a liquid varies with the depth beneath the liquid surface.
16:40 14. What is the lowest possible temperature (absolute zero) and what happens to the energy of particles at this temperature?
17:39 15. Which statement about the particles of a substance after condensation is correct?
18:31 16. Two otherwise identical cars, one black and one white, are at the same initial temperature.
19:42 17. A drop of water from a tap falls onto the surface of some water of constant depth.
20:21 18. Each point F is one focal length from the centre of the lens. Each point 2F is two focal lengths
21:16 19. A monochromatic ray of green light in air enters a block of glass.
22:09 20. A narrow beam of white light passes through a prism and is dispersed into a spectrum.
22:46 21. A student writes four statements matching a communication system to the region of the
23:33 22. A ship sounds its horn when it is 790 m from a cliff. A passenger on the ship hears the echo 4.8 s later.
24:32 23. Which row gives the metal used to make the core of an electromagnet and one property of the
24:53 24. A plastic rod and a dry cloth are uncharged.
25:54 25. A student does an experiment to investigate the resistance of a metal wire.
27:20 26. The cost of electrical energy is $0.25 for each unit of 1 kW h. A 2200 W heater is switched on for
29:00 27. The table describes four different resistance wires. They are all made from the same metal.
30:14 28. The circuit shown contains three switches and four lamps P, Q, R and S.
30:50 29. The diagram shows the magnetic field around a solenoid carrying an electric current.
31:28 30. The diagram shows a wire hanging freely between the poles of a magnet. There is a current in
32:36 31. Which component forms part of a d.c. motor but not a simple moving coil a.c. generator?
33:01 32. A transformer has 5500 turns on the primary coil and 500 turns on the secondary coil.
34:53 33. The scattering of alpha-particles from a thin gold foil produces the following observations.
35:44 34. A nuclide of chlorine has the symbol shown.
36:09 35. Which change is occurring in a nucleus during -emission?
36:46 36. The graph shows how the count rate registered by a counter near to a sample of a radioactive
37:37 37. Which row about the orbits of the Earth and the Moon is correct?
38:00 38. Which statement about the orbits of comets is correct?
38:32 39. Which row describes the power source for a stable star?
38:53 40. Which quantity can be determined using the brightness of a supernova in a distant galaxy?


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