How to care for your Heat Transfer Vinyl T-shirts

Описание к видео How to care for your Heat Transfer Vinyl T-shirts

You just received a brand new tee with your new favorite design on it. Your local maker said that it was a heat press design and to be careful when washing it but did not give you further instructions from there.

Well, don't worry! We are here to help.
We have your heat transfer care instructions coming up. Unsure what Heat Transfer Vinyl is? Check this out.

I would like to explain a bit about heat transfer vinyl before we tell you how to care for it.

Heat transfer vinyl is just that, plastic vinyl that has been heated up to adhere to your clothing. Why is this important?

Well when we’re talking care it’s important to keep that in mind because we do not want to heat this plastic back up. So that means wash your tee in cold water.

Now that we know what temperature water to use, let’s talk about HOW we wash it. Or more specifically, how do we protect that heat transfer vinyl design? We do not want the plastic scraping against anything else in the wash so protect it by turning the shirt inside out.

Also be sure to not dry clean, do not use bleac, and do not use fabric softener.

And after the wash. Make sure to hang dry!

If you follow these care instructions you will see less cracking and peeling and will be able to wear your favorite design for years to come.

Thank you for tuning in to learn the care instructions for Heat Transfer Vinyl.
We will make sure to include them in the description below.

If you have any questions or videos you would like to see. Please let us know in the comments below.

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