Ninja'ing Warglaives of Azzinoth

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So for context, yes I know the UI is horrible, I just threw on as many addons as I could back in 2008.

From back when Wrath of the Lich King first was first released and the achievement system had just come out.. We had decided to put together a group to take down Black Temple which back in those days was still difficult even with 20 to 25 people due to The Burning Crusade having just ended. Lo and Behold the first time I kill Illidan Stormrage what drops? The rarer Main Hand Warglaive which I had been wanting ever since The Burning Crusade had actually came out. Of course it took me about 3 years after this to finally get the off-hand Warglaive to drop after many many many Black Temple clears. Now of course it's super easy to do as it can be cleared by only 1 or 2 characters in Mists of Pandaria, so not a whole lot of prestige left on the legendarys besides the low drop rate, but my character has every legendary a warrior can possibly have after many years of running oldschool raids.


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