EP15 Clip 林拓身患绝症坦然面对一切!严厉父亲懊悔痛哭 【谢谢你温暖我 Angels Fall Sometimes】

Описание к видео EP15 Clip 林拓身患绝症坦然面对一切!严厉父亲懊悔痛哭 【谢谢你温暖我 Angels Fall Sometimes】

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【Synopsis】Lin Tuo, in the prime of his youth, crossed paths with An Zhique during a summer internship recruiting event in their junior year. Love blossomed at first sight. As they got to know each other better, they committed to a relationship. With graduation season approaching, the two embarked on their journey from the ivory tower into the real world, taking on part-time jobs, job hunting, and planning their future together. While life didn't unfold as smoothly as they had hoped, their mutual support helped them stay on track. However, just when everything seemed to be going well, Lin Tuo received a diagnosis that changed their lives forever. He was diagnosed with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), which brought an untimely end to his seemingly ordinary but promising life. Though his lifespan was shortened, Lin Tuo faced the disease bravely, with the warm love and companionship of his family, his devoted partner, friends, and colleagues. Giving up the idea of yielding to his fate, he learned to coexist with the terminal illness and ultimately challenged it courageously. Lin Tuo's journey inspired those around him, including his friends and patients who had the same suffering as him. He prompted them to reevaluate their outlook on life, cherish the present moment, and strive to live each day with hope and no regrets.
【Starring】Lin Yi, Li Landi, Sun Tianyu, Li Xinran, Lin Lu, Wang Youjun, Xia Minghao, Ren Luomin, Gao Qing, Jiang Chao, Liu Jun, Liu Jie, Lu Junyao

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#谢谢你温暖我 #AngelsFallSometimes #腾讯视频 #林一 #李兰迪 #LinYi #LiLandi


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