After Drone Attack, IAEA Chief Visits

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IAEA chief Rafael Grossi has inspected the nuclear facility of the Kursk power plant in Russia's Kursk region, which Moscow says has been repeatedly attacked by Ukrainian forces.

President Vladimir Putin accused Ukraine last week of trying to attack the Kursk plant, which has four Soviet graphite-moderated RBMK-1000 reactors - the same design as those at the Chernobyl nuclear plant that in 1986 became the scene of the world's worst civilian nuclear disaster.

Ukraine has yet to respond to the accusations that it attacked the facility.

Grossi said the RBMK-type facility did not have the containment dome and protective structure that is typical of most current nuclear plants.

Grossi said it would be an exaggeration to equate Kursk with Chernobyl, where an accident caused an explosion that spewed a radioactive cloud over parts of eastern Europe.

The IAEA chief said the purpose of his visit was to draw the world's attention to the situation, warning nuclear power plants must never be attacked during warfare.

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