Paj Ntshua Nplaim - Mam Hlub Lwm Tiam (Lyrics)

Описание к видео Paj Ntshua Nplaim - Mam Hlub Lwm Tiam (Lyrics)

Mam Hlub Lwm Tiam by Paj Ntshua Nplaim

Txoj kev hlub muab zais cia rau hauv nruab siab
Mam rov los sib nrhiav hlub dua fab lwm tiam
Vim tiam no hmoov tsib txog
Wb thiaj tsis tau nyob ua ke
Wb txoj kev hlub tiam neej no ua siab tseg

Ua ib siab mus ua koj lub neej kom zoo
Tsis txhob nroos txog kuv lawm mog me leej nus
Muaj ib hnub ntiaj teb tig
Wb rov tau los sib ntsib dua
Mam sib zeem hlub tshua li nkauj muam nraug nus

Vim tiam no luag tsis pom zoo wb los sib sau
Wb thiaj tsis tau sib qaws los nyob koom ib lub neej
Mam mus koj mog leej nus
Thov kom koj mus ntsib tus hlub
Cia rau lwm tiam wb mam rov qab los sib nrhiav dua

Ntawm lub ncauj lam hais tias ua siab ncaim mus
Hauv nruab ntsws mob khis rhe tsis xav hais lus
Xyov thaum twg thiaj li cheem
Tau lub siab kom txhob nco koj
Los ntawm nruab ntsws tsem kom tag ntawm kuv lub neej

Txawm nco koj npaum twg los yuav cia kav liam
Muab khaws cia ua dab neeg faus rau nruab siab
Txawm tiam no nco npaum twg
Los yuav tau ua twj ywm
Tus lub siab ntshaw xav tias yog wb ntawv tsis txog

*Yog lwm tiam tseem muaj wb mam los sib hlub dua
*Kev npau suav tiam no ntshe tsis muaj hnub yuav yog tiag
*Kev cia siab yav tag los
*Cas hnub no yog kev tu siab
*Dhau tag kis mus wb kev hlub ces yog luag tus


Please post any lyric corrections in the comments.

The following is a rough English translation of the lyrics.

My love for you will be hidden in the folds of my heart. We'll search for our love in another lifetime because fate is not with us in this one. That's why we can't be together.
Turn our hearts away, let go of our love for just this life. Go on and make a good life for yourself. Don't think about me anymore. There will be a day, as the world turns, we will meet again, and we will greet one another as old friends.
In this life, our love has not been approved to last, so we can't start a life together. Please, go, and I hope that you find love. Leave it to the next life for us to love again.

From my lips I say that I will go. But in my heart, it hurts so much, I don't want to speak. I don't know when I will be able to stop yearning for you, to take you entirely out of my heart. No matter how much I miss you, I'll ignore it. Or I'll keep it hidden in my heart as a story to tell my soul. However much I miss you in this life, I must stay silent. The one that my soul calls for, Fate will not let me have.
So in the next life, if we are both there, we'll find each other again. The dreams I had will probably never be reality. The hopes from past days, why are they the source of sorrow today?
Tomorrow... our love will belong to someone else...

Note: This song is sung in Hmong.
Note: No copyright infringement intended.


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