Sonamy You Are Not Alone

Описание к видео Sonamy You Are Not Alone

Yep, made a Sonamy tribute with one of the best love songs and most fitting song I could think of... And... Just for the record...

WE MISS YOU MICHAEL JACKSON!!! D'= I hope you don't mind me posting a video with another one of your songs on YouTube... Have fun in Heaven, where you don't need to worry about anything, you've deserved least they can't hurt u anymore... R.I.P. King of Pop ='( Bring him BACK, God! Why'd you have 2 take him away from us? Yes, I support Sonamy.So anyway, hope u enjoy dis...It shows at the beginning that Sonic was getting 2 old 4 Amy, but they fell in love again, so...SONAMY, FTW!!! ^_^ Song is "You Are Not Alone" by Michael Jackson. (R.I.P. Our angel of music...) Pics belong 2 artists on DA. Sonic and Amy belong to SEGA and Sonic Team


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