Printing and Laminating - Cardboard Printing

Описание к видео Printing and Laminating - Cardboard Printing

Papers that are flimsy turn into lasting, reusable documents that stand up to daily use. Use the sheets to cover a collection of telephone instructions to your receptionist, laminate a classroom agenda for your own students, or create name badges that are reusable for a monthly networking event.
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Much of the paperwork your office generates is reused on a daily basis, including instruction sheets and posters.
These simple-to-use laminating sheets allow files to be protected by you without ever leaving your office, saving you time and money. Keep a large supply of sheets on hand whenever you've got a significant event coming up so in the event you run low that you can quickly assemble extra stuff.
Laminating sheets are offered in various thicknesses and sizes to satisfy your needs.
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