How to get regular periods naturally | Top causes of irregular periods - Dr. Prashanth S Acharya

Описание к видео How to get regular periods naturally | Top causes of irregular periods - Dr. Prashanth S Acharya

This is something we are heating very frequently nowadays which was very occasional earlier, maybe 10 or 15 years back. Why is it increasing nowadays. If we dissect the whole issue, we are seeing it in very young children, younger female s that too in urban areas. It is totally attributed to the lifestyle. The main reasons for Irregular Monthly Cycles is obesity, sedentary lifestyle, improper sleeping habits, junk food. Females earlier used to suffer less from this problem and the lifestyle was very simple and there was indulgence in junk food the household work was sufficient for them, if to look into your own lifestyle, there is a housemaid who does your household chores and you don’t do anything. You become a couch potato or stressed out who are doing your own work and there is nothing in the name of exercise. Exercise is an integral part of lifestyle. Diet , exercise, medicine. Medicine is not required if diet and exercise is good. If your intake of calories is 2000 and output is 500 or 700 or 1000 everyday, then what will it be at the end of 1 month. When you take ultrasound scan, many women complain of irregular cycle, lot of clots, diminished flow, all this points out towards the commonest problem today called PCOD. Before starting treatment we tell avoid junk food, stick on to homemade food, two run, if youngsters are there, do brisk exercise 1 hour a day, 80%of the problems is solved , the remaining problem Ayurveda is good to take care. A good detoxification by vamana followed by virechana sorts out the problem. Many at times you might require some herbs. One of the simple home remedies mothers can starts for children at young age is aloe vera 1 spoon or in the form of juice, paste. If all these home remedies don’t work for PCOD, Ayurveda is the system of medicine that can give great result.


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