Anatomy of Palatine Tonsils

Описание к видео Anatomy of Palatine Tonsils

This video explains the anatomy of palatine tonsils.
At the end of the lecture, students should be able to:
Describe the anatomy of palatine tonsils.
Explain the Waldeyer’s Ring
Discuss the relations of palatine tonsils
Mention the blood supply and innervation of palatine tonsils
Describe the tonsillectomy and the postoperative complications

Prepared and presented by: Dr. Refat AboGhazleh.
Clinical Oriented Anatomy, Keith L. Moore. Sixth Edition.
Clinical Anatomy by Region, Richard. Snell.
Atlas of Human Anatomy, Frank H. Netter, Sixth Edition.
Gray’s Anatomy for Students, Fourth Edition.
The Anatomical Basis of Clinical Practice, Susan Standring, Forty-First Edition.
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