mob battle

Описание к видео mob battle

wait what about that enderman?
Just another mine imator animation I did to try and sharpen my skills
q&a(kinda) - Q:why is there a piglin fighting other mobs?
A: well ya see, in minecraft I use a piglin skin from a skin pack on the market place and I can't really get it over to my laptop so I just use the piglin skin put on a player model to represent me :) (thanks to whoever made the skin on planet minecraft)

Useless details:
Base animation time - 5 hours
Render time - 2 1/2 hours
Editing/sound - 20 minutes
TOTAL TIME! - 7 hours 50 minutes
Editing software - Clipchamp
Mouse - Razer Deathadder Essential
Keyboard - Razer Cynosa Lite


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