Roblox Rail Sim Universe [Pre-Release] Live Rail Cam!

Описание к видео Roblox Rail Sim Universe [Pre-Release] Live Rail Cam!

You are watching a livestream overlooking various locations along the Miami Commuter Corridor In Ft. Lauderdale, FL USA! (In Roblox ‼️‼️) For people who like trains!

Duplication or distribution of our videos is STRICTLY prohibited without permission, or crediting @ErinRSU in the title or description of your video/content ‼️

We try to make this stream 24/7 but sometimes it has to go down for one reason or another, just for a short time. And the camera location/angle can change at times.

Game→ Roblox RSU- (Rail Sim Universe [Pre-Release])→

‼️Please Scroll down to see Stream/Game rules‼️

↓↓↓↓🌸More about ErinRSU🌸↓↓↓↓
My Roblox Username→ ErinHoneyBunny

🌸THANK YOU TO elmoFX09 for the former thumbnail for the streams! And to Justin K. and Federal for the New one!

🌸Official RSU Discord server!→   / discord  

↓↓↓🌸Check out these cool channels!🌸↓↓↓


↓Pulitzer's Trains↓

↓🚆 Train Guy 🚆 ↓

↓{UTA}elmoFX09↓ (OG thumbnail artist!)

↓Justin's Railfanning↓ (current thumbnail artist!)

↓Keystone1906 Productions↓

↓↓↓⚠️Stream/Game Rules⚠️ ↓↓↓

↓↓↓‼️Stream chat rules‼️↓↓↓

🌸Don’t post in ALL CAPS or use excessive emojis, letters or characters.
🌸Don’t discuss politics, religion, race, sex, violence, disturbing details about train or vehicle accidents, or anything like that. We try to be mindful of any children who may be watching.
🌸Don't use the terms "foamer" or "foaming" in your comments or your username. Many railfans find them derogatory and offensive.
🌸The conversation here is trains, and please remember that it needs to come first.
🌸Please keep personal details out of the chat. Remember, you are sharing information with hundreds of people, not just those directly involved in the chat.
🌸 Don’t ask to become a moderator. It’s earned. If we’re interested in your assistance, we will contact you.
🌸 Please don’t use our chats to seek attention, stand on your soapbox, or criticize other people’s presences or contributions
🌸Just be nice and respectful, and everyone has a great time!

↓↓↓‼️Game Rules‼️↓↓↓

🌸Please DO NOT block the camera with your avatar or train! Everyone wants to see the trains!
🌸Keep the traffic flowing! Do not stop for unnecessarily long amounts of time. The only time you should be stopping is at a station, a signal, or in an emergency!
🌸Please try to stay off of the railroad tracks! not doing so can delay/block traffic and derail trains.
🌸Be respectful in game chat as well! Roblox moderation will catch you if you are saying/doing inappropriate things in game. In-game moderators may also kick/ban disruptive players!

🌸Thanks for watching, I do plan to add a way to donate IF you wanted to help support me or the stream YOU DO NOT HAVE TO and don't feel obligated too either.


Информация по комментариям в разработке