Fulfilling the Will of God in the Ministry

Описание к видео Fulfilling the Will of God in the Ministry

Fulfilling the Will of God in the Ministry

(Poem lifted from the message of Rev. Arnold Vallejo during the Ministry Involvement and Soulwinning Conference 2023 at CBBC San Pedro Laguna)

In the ministry, we must always strive
To fulfill the will of God and keep it alive
Rev. Arnold Vallejo, he speaks true
Psalm 1:1-2, and 1 Thessalonians 2:13 too

The Word of God must be our source of joy
It's the primary ministry, our bread and our employ
But many give up, because they cannot find
The Word that speaks to their heart and mind

So write it down, go back in time
To the moment when God spoke, oh so divine
The ministry is built on preaching the Word
And though some may have negative perceptions heard

Don't be discouraged, keep your situation right
Stay separate from bad influence, be the light
Don't be a Pharisee, but keep yourself, separated still
Delight in the Word of God, let it work in you, until

You bear fruit, and lead others to the Lord
That is fulfilling the will of God, it's not a chore
It's a constant battle, every single day
But keep fulfilling it, in every word you say.


Joyful Involvement
Ministry Involvement and Soulwinning Conference
CBBC San Pedro
May 1, 2023


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