Arctic dangers, Avataq monument Arviat Nunavut

Описание к видео Arctic dangers, Avataq monument Arviat Nunavut

I cannot tell you how many interesting things I find in the north. What a vast and beautiful land. Every shot you see is filmed by me during my working experience with the North West Company. Working and living in Canada’s remote and arctic regions what an adventure. To find out more please feel free to contact me at [email protected]
In the year 2000, the Avataq foundered and sank at about 1:30 a.m. on Aug. 26. Pilakapsi, along with Larry Ussak, 45, Sandy Sateana, 28, and David Kadjuk, 25, all of Rankin Inlet, perished in the chilly waters of Hudson Bay — just 10 nautical miles from Arviat.
The board found that when the Avataq departed from Churchill, the aft end of the 12-metre vessel sat so low, its afterdeck rode below the water-line.

Several residents of Arviat overheard the radio conversation between the vessel and shore. When communications could not be re-established with the Avataq, a group of residents proceeded south along the coastline on all-terrain vehicles in an attempt to locate the vessel. At 0255, the searchers called the head of the local Emergency Measures Organization (EMO) in Arviat and informed him that the Avataq was missing and might have sunk.


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