Walk by Faith and Not by Sight

Описание к видео Walk by Faith and Not by Sight

Mon 16/09/2024 BVOV Broadcast (EU) from KCM Europe: https://kcm.org.uk/watch. Broadcast notes available at https://kcm.org.uk/notes.

Learn More: https://bit.ly/3gnQFj7

"Walk by Faith and Not by Sight"

God gave Jesus for YOU! Join Pastors George and Terri Pearsons on Believer’s Voice of Victory in this special edition featuring the 2024 Southwest Believers’ Convention. Kenneth Copeland’s session reminds you to walk by faith and not by sight. Transform your faith-walk through learning to believe and receive the Love of God!

Mo 16 Sep 2024 BVOV Tägliche Sendung (EU) von KCM Europe:: https://kcm-de.org/anschauen/

"Geh im Glauben und nicht im Schauen"

Gott hat Jesus für dich gegeben! Begleite die Pastoren George und Terri Pearsons bei Believer's Voice of Victory in dieser Sonderausgabe zur Southwest Believers' Convention 2024. Kenneth Copelands Vortrag erinnert dich daran, im Glauben zu wandeln und nicht im Schauen. Ändere deinen Glaubenswandel, indem du lernst, zu glauben und die Liebe Gottes zu empfangen!

lun. 16 sept. 2024 BVOV Diffusion télévisée quotidienne de KCM Europe: https://kcm-fr.org/regarder/.

"Marcher par la foi et non par la vue"

Dieu a donné Jésus pour VOUS ! Rejoignez les pasteurs George et Terri Pearsons sur Believer's Voice of Victory dans cette édition spéciale présentant la Convention des croyants du Sud-Ouest 2024. La session de Kenneth Copeland vous rappelle de marcher par la foi et non par la vue. Transformez votre marche dans la foi en apprenant à croire et à recevoir l'amour de Dieu !

seg 16 set 2024 BVOV Transmissão diária de televisão pela KCM Europe: https://kcm-pt.org/assista/.

"Andar por fé e não por vista"

Deus deu Jesus por VOCÊ! Junte-se aos pastores George e Terri Pearsons no Voz de Vitória do Crente nesta edição especial que apresenta a Convenção dos Crentes do Sudoeste de 2024. A sessão de Kenneth Copeland lembra o senhor de andar pela fé e não pela visão. Transforme sua caminhada pela fé aprendendo a acreditar e a receber o amor de Deus!


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