Siddiqa Mehraban: Buying socks, clothes, etc. for the lost child

Описание к видео Siddiqa Mehraban: Buying socks, clothes, etc. for the lost child

Siddiqa and Ainaz, their mother and young daughter, lived in a mountain hut. They went to the foot of the mountain every day to take advantage of the plants and natural products there. By selling the plants she collected from the mountain, Sediqeh sold them to a local shopkeeper and with the income from this work, she prepared some socks, clothes and other necessary items to buy her young child.
With the peace and tranquility they found next to each other, Ainaz and the orphaned child with their beloved mother, Siddiqa, achieved a simple and happy life in the mountains. This story shows that it is possible to live and enjoy life in difficult environments, provided that people build relationships with each other with empathy and sincerity and take care of each other.
#self-sufficient life
#Buy and sell food


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