The Fear of Losing Your Woman

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Many men live in fear that their woman is going to cheat on them or leave them one day.

When you experience that fear in a relationship it automatically makes you become insecure, which then turns her off and actually makes her want to leave you.

So, you must ensure that you avoid getting pulled into fearful thoughts that lead to insecurity. Women are turned off by the emotional weakness in men (e.g. insecurity, low self esteem), so you need to make sure that you don’t let the fear of losing her change you.

How can you avoid becoming insecure due to the fear of losing her?

1. Be in control over the amount of respect, attraction and love that you make her feel.
2. Don’t put up with her bad treatment of you.

With the first example above: When you are actually in control of how you are making her feel, you don’t have to live in fear that she is going to fall out of love with you or suddenly like another guy and want to leave you.

With the second example: If you let her treat you badly (e.g. disrespect you, be selfish, put you down in front of others, expect more from you than she gives to you), then she will lose respect for you. When that happens, she will stop feeling proper attraction for you. When that happens, she will begin to fall out of love with you.

When a woman begins to fall out of love with you, she will stop looking at you and her as a couple and will start to just think about herself and her needs. It’s at that point where many women will cheat on a guy, break up with him or just stop contacting or seeing him.

The fear of losing your woman is something that will destroy your relationship no matter how hard you try to avoid it. You can’t allow the fear to take root and begin to cause problems.

You’ve got to be in control of how you’re making her feel and also not let her get away with treating you badly, so she doesn’t lose respect for you.

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Dan Bacon


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