تغيير عنوان التسليم في حساب أمازون 2023 _How to Change Delivery Date and Delivery Address in Amazon

Описание к видео تغيير عنوان التسليم في حساب أمازون 2023 _How to Change Delivery Date and Delivery Address in Amazon

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This video guides you in an easy step-by-step process to change the delivery date in Amazon. So make sure to watch this video till the end. If this video is helpful to you, also make sure to leave a like, comment, and subscribe to our channel for more tips & tutorial videos.

You see, depending on where your Amazon order is in the delivery process, there are different ways to reschedule delivery dates.

Keep in mind the four broad stages that are covered in the video since they relate to the next portion, which focuses on what you need to know to reschedule Amazon delivery.
Thinking of changing the delivery address in your Amazon account but don’t really know how? Well, you’ve come across just the right video.
Simply follow the steps in the manner as listed in order to change your delivery address in Amazon:
1. Firstly, open the Amazon app that you have installed on your phone previously.
2. Tap on the small profile icon on the bottom left side of the screen.
3. Then, tap on View account option followed by Your Address.
4. Tap on the Edit button and you can edit your existing address.
5. Alternately, if you want to remove the address and use a new one, tap on remove instead.
6. Then, tap on Add new address and enter the necessary details as mandated.
7. Finally, tap on Add Address on the bottom of the page.
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