Lecture: Murakami’s Mr. Pointy—Spirituality and the Superflat

Описание к видео Lecture: Murakami’s Mr. Pointy—Spirituality and the Superflat

Adjunct lecturer Annie Morse discusses Takashi Murakami’s "Mr. Pointy," a gift of the Edlis Neeson Collection.

Artists draw inspiration from across world history and through their own experience of culture and society. In Takashi Murakami’s dazzling "Mr. Pointy," comic elements of anime and graphic art combine with ancient religious symbols to offer the viewer an intriguing example of contemporary Pop art with a profound spiritual foundation. In this illustrated lecture, we’ll take a closer look at the many layers of Murakami’s “Superflat” style and the elements he drew from global sources, as represented in the Art Institute’s renowned collection.

Generously supported by the Carol Given Winston Fund.


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