WALLxCHANGE Session 1: Insights, Advice, & Reflection on Achieving Success as a Freelance Artist

Описание к видео WALLxCHANGE Session 1: Insights, Advice, & Reflection on Achieving Success as a Freelance Artist

CEO + Founder of The Wall Group Brooke Wall goes in conversation with Celebrity Hairstylist Chris Appleton and Celebrity Stylist Jeanne Yang on insights, advice, & reflection on achieving success as a freelance artist.

Chris Appleton’s key ingredients to success. [8:07 - 8:35].
Chris Appleton on set etiquette & interpersonal relationship. [11:39 - 12:27]
Brooke Wall on mapping out your career. [16:33 - 16:54]
Jeanne Yang on the #1 thing to remember in order to become a successful stylist/artist. [41:57 - 41:31]
Jeanne Yang on maintaining long-term client relationships. [53:32 - 53:43]

WALLxCHANGE is a series of monthly virtual talks and panels, in conjunction with the TWG Incubator Program. These educational sessions will be free and available for all artists across the globe. RSVP at TheWallGroup.com/Incubator to sign up for upcoming live panels and discussions.


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