[ 最真實的我 Just as I am ]中英文歌詞

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【 最真實的我 Just as I am 】
詞曲:Kim Ji Eun

祢全然的愛我 最真實的我
I stand Just as I am, You still love me Lord
祢全然接納我 即或我軟弱
With all my weaknesses, You still cherish me
生命中的每一步 有祢豐盛恩典
Every tiny step I take, Lord You're there wide awake
Lead me close to You

祢全然的愛我 緊緊擁抱我
Stand just as I am, You still love me Lord
祢全然接納我 永不離開我
With all my weaknesses, You still cherish me
生命中的每一步 有祢豐盛恩典
Every tiny step I take, Lord You're there wide awake
Lead me close to You

我只想要藏在 祢翅膀蔭下
And if only I could stay beneath Your wings
渴求能更多 停留在祢同在
And if only I could dwell among Your presence
生命最大的盼望 就在祢恩典之中
The highest hope I have, And the biggest grace I had
Only to be standing next to You


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