First contact with the tribe Toulambi (by Miri) - Part 1/4 - English

Описание к видео First contact with the tribe Toulambi (by Miri) - Part 1/4 - English

Original video by Miri "The most primitive tribe of planet: The Toulambi" :

   • Видео  

Full documentary " First contact with tribe Toulambi" in english :

Part 1 =    • First contact with the tribe Toulambi...  

Part 2 =    • First contact with the tribe Toulambi...  

Part 3 =    • First contact with the tribe Toulambi...  

Part 4 =    • First contact with the tribe Toulambi...  

Jean-Pierre Dutilleux was born in Malmedy, Belgium, director, anthropologist, explorer and defender of Indian rights
In 1973 he made his first contact with the hostile tribe Txuccaramaes (those who hit with sticks) of the Kayapo, the savage heart of Matto Grosso, where nearly lost his life in the hands of the tribe, the chief Raoni saved his life .
Since then, Jean Pierre was dedicated to saving the territory of this tribe, of government of that country, making a world tour with the chief Raoni where senior leaders, the nobility and Pope John Paul II ,the received
Raoni's message was "My name is Raoni, I am the chief of the Kayapo. People are destroying the forest, are wiping out wildlife, fatally wounding my people, killing the Earth. Help me, before it too late! "
Dutellieux visited the most remote places in search of primitive tribes, as the Toulambis ,that live as in the Stone Age and are being decimated by logging of their forests, and diseases like malaria.
He leads them medication and is responsible for helping to protect their rights and tribal lands. Esther by Miri


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