Full Lecture: Hegel against Wisdom

Описание к видео Full Lecture: Hegel against Wisdom

Hello everyone, today we continue the intro to Hegel series, focusing on Hegel’s critique of wisdom and the famous maxim ‘the owl of Minerva takes flight at dusk’.

These lectures are meant to be accessible without dumbing down the ideas too much. That means they’re a bit technical but hopefully also helpful in your own studies and reading.

This project is entirely patron-funded, so a huge thank you to our global community of patrons who help me keep this open-access and independent. It’s such a pleasure to host these classes without having to worry about vitality or making ‘good’ content.

Patrons can also access audio downloads for every class, edited transcripts, my ebook, as well as a weekly seminar q&a which I also post as an audio file in case you miss it.

To join, please visit: www.patreon.com/jenalineandjulian

Thank you so much!


Art credit: Deviantart user Rono1848

#hegel #philosophy #zizek #alainbadiou #lacan #fredricjameson


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