long long ago_8songs

Описание к видео long long ago_8songs

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I think the long ago series is something that anyone who reads science fiction novels would think.

00:00 001 long long long ago_pale
04:03 002 long long long ago_dark
07:15 003 long long long ago_beat
11:19 004 long long long ago_blue
15:02 005 long long ago_white
17:05 006 long long ago_neo_navy
19:33 007 long long ago_neo_blue
22:11 008 long long ago_black

Long long ago,
Long long ago,
the future was bright.
the future was so bright.
the future was so bright.
But you know,
Earth has been spotted by aliens
There was no food left, only strange rations.

Long long ago,
Long long ago,
the universe belonged to humans.
the universe belonged to humans.
the universe belonged to humans.
But you know,
Wealth was siphoned off by space investors.
interstellar navigation was too difficult for us

Did you know?
Cyberspace used to be chaotic.
Cyberspace used to be chaotic.
Cyberspace used to be chaotic.

Did you know?
Once upon a time, the future was bright
Once upon a time, the future was bright
Once upon a time, the future was bright

Long long ago,
Long long ago,
the future was so bright.
the future was so bright.

Long long long long long ago,
Long long long long long ago,
long long long long
long long long long



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