
Описание к видео #反送中

2 Nov, 2024 - 7 pm - Meridian Arts Centre, Toronto

2024年11月2日晚上7時,在 Meridian Arts Center,North York,鋼琴家Ricker Choi舉行一場名為《The People United》的音樂會。音樂會匯聚來自全球受壓迫者的聲音,從香港的街頭到烏克蘭的平原,再到中國的人權鬥爭,團結散居社區。

THE PEOPLE UNITED concert on humanity and freedom. November 2, 2024, at 7:00 PM, at the Meridian Arts Center, North York. From the streets of Hong Kong to the plains of Ukraine, and to the human rights struggles in China, this concert brings together the oppressed across the globe.

Ricker Choi, pianist / artist
Loretta Lau, performance artist

Oksana Hahn, pianist
Antonina Ermolenko, dramatic soprano

Chloe Sun, pianist

撐起雨傘 Raise the Umbrella by Pan
The People United Will Never Be Defeated! by Rzewski
Рідна мати моя My Dear Mother by Platon Maiboroda
自游 Be Water by DeenLo
自由花 Flower of Freedom by 周禮茂 / 鄭智化
獅子山下 Beneath the Lion Rock by 顧嘉煇
願榮光歸香港 Glory to Hong Kong by Thomas dgx yhl

Footage of Umbrella Movement by 顏志昇 Twinkle Ngan
Barricade Installation by Raymond Chan

Paintings by Ricker Choi
Animation by Carrot

Primary Videography:
IG @nikolas.creative

Additional Video Footage:
CHKL, Sam Choi Oral History Team

To connect with Ricker Choi:
FB: RickerC
YouTube: RickerChoi
IG: ricker_choi
Twitter: RickerChoi
Telegram: HKRevolutionArt

email: [email protected]
website: www.rickerchoi.com


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