Fandoms React..? Part one - WIP

Описание к видео Fandoms React..? Part one - WIP

I did not realise how fucking difficult this was, but it has been pretty fun doing so! If ya'll have any suggestions let me know.

I had no idea how much work this took, and I look up to every single person who does these!

These introductions will be continuing for a little bit, as I do take pride in keeping every single characters reactions cannon. I will not stand for them just popping up in the bloody room and being like 'oh cool this is a thing we'll just go with this'- nah. I want panic, drama, and to express the sheer shock that they would have. If you popped up in a room with a bunch of other random people who may or may not try to kill you and a voice started talking from the walls, would you just sit down and watch videos? Hell no.
[No hate to anyone who does this its a lot of work making the cannon reactions and I'm slowly regretting it BUT THE SHOW MUST GO ON!]

I'm really happy about the animated bit though, that took the longest with no previous animating skills and I defiantly don't regret incorporating animation into these reactions! If I have the motivation.

Have any questions feel free to ask, have any suggesting on how the hell to do this as well if you have before I desperately need tips.

With all of that covered, I bit you all adu~!


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