2021 Investing Strategies From 6 Real Estate Experts

Описание к видео 2021 Investing Strategies From 6 Real Estate Experts

Do your 2021 investing strategies include panicking? We certainly hope not because even in these difficult times, there is still plenty of money to be made, and these six real estate investing experts agree!

From single-family to multifamily, to commercial, all six of our interviewed real estate experts share the same optimism for the future. While all of these investors have had to pivot, none are stepping out of the game. It seems like the only way to truly lose in 2021 is to not be investing at all.

So if you've been sitting on the sidelines, waiting to get into the world of real estate investing, 2021 might be a great time to start!

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00:00 The Year of The Pivot
01:44 @investorgirlbritt: Outsource
02:32 AJ Osborne: Be Prepared
04:32 Tyler Combs: Focus on Acquisition
05:07 Mike Nuss: Condo Converting
06:35 J Scott: Go for Cashflow
10:21 Ashley Wilson: Focus on Acquisition
12:28 Investors Are Still Investing!
12:52 Let's Review


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