In this video, you will learn 6 major things on how to choose a web host company. You will be taught what to look out for, what to avoid, and what makes a web hosting company a great choice.
💥👇 Top 5 Recommended Web Hosting Companies👇💥
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00:00 Intro
00:30 Which CMS is available to your Web host
01:00 What is the customization features
01:36 Checking the Uptime agreement
01:50 Support level
02:05 Check the available plans
02:34 How secure is the website
02:52 Outro
In this video, you will learn 6 major things on how to choose a web host company. You will be taught what to look out for, what to avoid, and what makes a web hosting company a great choice. How to Choose a Web Host - 6 Factors to Consider transcribe below. Hello everyone Carson here and in today's video, I'm going to be taking you through six things you need to know before you are choosing a web hosting company before you pick one out. So I'm going to go ahead and run you through those things right now we're going to get right into it. But before we do, if you want to check out my picks for the top website hosting companies have a 2022. Because I've used all of these methods and more advanced methods, tested them all and pick the top ones for you. Go ahead and check out my link to that in the description. And now let's get right into the video. Now the first thing you need to be asking is which and how many content management systems or CMS are supported on your website hosting platform, because CMS is if you do want to play around with any of the other ones aside from WordPress, you need to know if your platform offers those. So it's always a benefit when a hosting company offers more than just one CMS. And you can usually find that out pretty easily by just going to the website of the web hosts in question. And they should have that information readily available. The next thing you need to keep in mind is how much customization you get. Are there a ton of different features and add ons that they offer? Or is it just the basic set web hosting with really no extra features and nothing on top, because modern web hosting companies that top of the line ones like Hostgator, or Bluehost. They offer tons and tons of features on top of their basic web hosting, which is just really awesome. For example, Hostgator cPanel, offers a file manager and FTP access to the back end of your website, which is just really cool. And it's nice to have these extra features when you are working on a website. Next up and this is a really quick one. But you need to understand the uptime agreement, you need to be looking for at least 99.9% uptime on any web hosting company you go for or otherwise, I just wouldn't go with that. You also need to look at the level of support from these companies. If they don't offer good support, if they don't offer support that's helpful and knowledgeable. You don't want to go for the company. Because odds are you will need support eventually. And when you do you're going to be looking for a good support. Next, you need to know the available plans because all the different website hosting companies specialize on different plans with different resource requirements for their websites, too. If your website is a small blog, maybe you would go with hostinger. But if it's slightly bigger, you might go with somewhere like Hostgator, you get the idea that you need to run through the plans and make sure the website hosting company has the plans for you and that your website requires. And finally, the last thing you need to know is you just need to know the security and how protected you are. Ideally, you want to do website host to provide automatic updates and things like that. Just security updates in general breach protection for your website so you don't get into any trouble and end up having your website hacked. But those are the six things you do need to know when you're looking for a website host. And as I've said I've already run through all these questions and more established what I think the top website hosts for 2022 are so if you want to check those out, go ahead and head down to my link in the description. Thanks for watching. Remember, leave a like subscribe and hit that notification bell and I'll see you in the next video.
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