How to Use Eraser A/P Herbicide

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In this video, we will review what Eraser A/P is and how to apply it to eliminate weeds around your home.

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Introduction 0:00
Tools Needed: 0:51
How to Use: 1:08
Where to Use: 2:45
When to Use: 3:16
Safety: 3:33


If you need non-selective weed control in agricultural systems and farmlands, or just complete post-emergent control of non-crop, industrial, turf, and ornamental areas, then check out Eraser A/P Herbicide. Eraser A/P is a 41% Glyphosate concentrate you can use for non-selective post-emergent weed control in agricultural, industrial, or residential sites. When applied, the product systemically works its way down to the plant’s root system, with visible yellowing and deterioration occurring within 2 to 4 days for annual weeds, or within 7 days for perennial weeds.

For most residential or commercial applications, we’ll go over how to use Eraser A/P with a handheld or backpack sprayer.

To control annual and perennial weeds with Eraser A/P, you’ll need to mix a solution containing between 0.5% and 2% product. This means with one gallon of finished spray solution, you’ll mix in between 0.64 and 2.56 fluid ounces of Eraser A/P. If you’re trying to control woody brush or trees, you’ll mix a 5% to 10% solution, so you’ll use between 6.4 and 12.8 fluid ounces of Eraser A/P.

After you make your Eraser A/P solution, apply it over the plants you wish to treat. Use a coarse spray and be sure to achieve full coverage of the plant, focusing on the leaves. For the best weed control, apply prior to seed formation to avoid possible retreatments in the future. Eraser A/P will not treat seeds that germinate after application. Weeds must have emerged in order to be affected. Retreatment of perennials may be necessary due to regenerating underground parts.

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