Real Estate on vinyl - Rega, Heed & Ophidian system

Описание к видео Real Estate on vinyl - Rega, Heed & Ophidian system

One of my favourite guitar bands of the last decade especially for their second and third albums “Days” and “Atlas” when they had their best lineup with the hypnotic cyclical guitars and metronomic rhythms. Such an evocative sound. This fourth album was pretty nice too though. The system plays it well, the duelling guitars are suitably strident without making the ears bleed.

Real Estate - Darling - In Mind (Domino, 2017)

Discogs release page:

🌑 Rega P8/MP300
🎛️ Heed Thesis Phi, Pi, Lambda & Gamma
🔊 Ophidian Prophet P2 Evolution


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