Instructions on How to Use Plant Watering Globes

Описание к видео Instructions on How to Use Plant Watering Globes

Convenient device for watering indoor and outdoor plants to save your time. Each water globe is individually-crafted and made of high-quality glass and holds 220 ml of water. Now monitoring your plant irrigation is much easier.

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Step-by-step instructions how to apply watering globes properly:
1. Fill the globe with water. You can use tap water or filtered water, but avoid using hard water or water with high levels of chlorine, as they can damage your plant.
2. Prepare the soil, make it loose or slightly damp.
3. Make a hole in the soil next to your plant .
4. Gently set the globe at an angle between 60-degrees to 75-degrees.

Self watering bulbs slowly release the exact needed amount of water. This helps the root system of the plant to develop properly.

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