How To Find Safe Clothing to Avoid Endocrine Disruptors,Obesogens, & Carcinogens Kat Khatibi Podcast

Описание к видео How To Find Safe Clothing to Avoid Endocrine Disruptors,Obesogens, & Carcinogens Kat Khatibi Podcast

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Be a guest in a future episode:
Balance Your Hormones:
TRY Femminessence to Balance Hormones Naturally

Use code KAT15 for 15% off any single supplement. And list to our episode with Dr. Mona Fahoum to learn how it works.

GET YOUR FREE mineral deficiencies and heavy metal toxicities test with consultation. Dr. Cabral is providing the lab test and consultation to my listeners for free, you just pay shipping and handling. This is a $299 value. Head on over to to reserve your test today!


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