Power of Planetary Alignment: Jupiter Conjunct Venus & Saturn
This video is about the Jupiter Conjunct Venus & Saturn in Vedic Astrology.
⭐️ Venus shows your passion and relationships from past life deeds. He is one of the most benevolent among the 9 Graha. Venus is naturally a Karaka (significator) for love, romance, sensuality, relationships, childbirth, arts, fashion, media, entertainment, wealth, females, wife, spouse, and material pleasures. Please keep in mind that this video is a general interpretation.
⭐️ Venus will also give the strongest results during a Venus Dasha. Transit Planets over your natal Venus will also activate results in your chart. Whether those results are beneficial or challenging will depend on the Ashtakavarga score. For accurate results of the Venus Dasha combined with Transits, check the Dasha Lagna (Place Venus in the 1st House and Read from There), Moon Chart, D9 Navamsa, D60 Shastiamsa, and Arudha Lagna (Place the Arudha Lagna in the 1st House and Read from there).
⭐️ Saturn shows your karmic obstacles from past life deeds. Saturn is naturally a Karaka (significator) for hard work, discipline, structure, organizational skills, fear, obstacles, delays, service, old age, longevity, maturity, underprivileged, and fairness. Please keep in mind that this video is a general interpretation.
⭐️ Saturn will also give the strongest results during a Saturn Dasha. You may experience karmic lessons strongly during a Saturn Return when Saturn returns every 29 years to the position in your natal chart. Transit Planets over your natal Saturn will also activate results in your chart. Whether those results are beneficial or challenging will depend on the Ashtakavarga score. For accurate results of the Saturn Dasha combined with Transits, check the Dasha Lagna (Place Saturn in the 1st House and Read from There), Moon Chart, D9 Navamsa, D60 Shastiamsa, and Arudha Lagna (Place the Arudha Lagna in the 1st House and Read from there).
⭐️ Jupiter shows your reward for past life deeds. He is the most benevolent among the 9 Graha. Jupiter is naturally a Karaka (significator) for children, husbands, wealth, education, religion, spirituality, wisdom, knowledge, expansion, optimism, security, and good fortune. Please keep in mind that this video is a general interpretation.
⭐️ Check whether Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn are conjunct with any planets or receiving any aspects.
⭐️ Jupiter will also give the strongest results during a Jupiter Dasha. You may experience good fortune during a Jupiter Return when Jupiter returns every 12 years to the position in your natal chart. Transit Planets over your natal Jupiter will also activate results in your chart. Whether those results are beneficial or challenging will depend on the Ashtakavarga score. For accurate results of the Jupiter Dasha combined with Transits, check the Dasha Lagna (Place Jupiter in the 1st House and Read from There), Moon Chart, D9 Navamsa, D60 Shastiamsa, and Arudha Lagna (Place the Arudha Lagna in the 1st House and Read from there).
⭐️ To learn about Jupiter, Venus, or Saturn Mahadasha, see my video below. For Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn through All 12 Houses, see the playlist below. If you want to know more about what Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn are doing in your chart, schedule an appointment at my site below.
⭐️ Jupiter Mahadasha Bhukti (Antardasha)
▶ • Venus Mahadasha Bhukti (Antardasha)- ...
⭐️ Saturn Mahadasha Bhukti (Antardasha)
▶ • Saturn Mahadasha Bhukti (Antardasha)-...
⭐️ Venus Mahadasha Bhukti (Antardasha)
▶ • Venus Mahadasha Bhukti (Antardasha)- ...
⭐️ Jupiter in All 12 Houses
▶ • Venus in All 12 Houses
⭐️ Saturn in All 12 Houses
▶ • Saturn in All 12 Houses
⭐️ Venus in All 12 Houses
▶ • Venus in All 12 Houses
⭐️ Website
▶ https://14549f-80.myshopify.com/
⭐️ Vedic Sidereal Natal Chart Calculator
▶ deva.guru
⭐️ Social Media
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