Revolutionizing Physical Therapy: The Power of MSKUS and PT Imaging Referral

Описание к видео Revolutionizing Physical Therapy: The Power of MSKUS and PT Imaging Referral

In this enlightening interview, join us as we sit down with Dr. Bruno Steiner, the President of the Imaging Special Interest Group (I-SIG) for the American Physical Therapy Association's Academy of Orthopedic Physical Therapy. Dr. Steiner is the Physical Therapy and MSKUS Program Manager at the Washington Center for Bleeding Disorders (WACBD) in Seattle, Washington, where he treats patients with hemophilia and conducts groundbreaking clinical research.

Discover the vital work of the AOPT's Imaging SIG and their mission to advocate for PT-administered diagnostic Ultrasonography and PT-directed imaging referral nationwide. In this thought-provoking discussion, we delve into three crucial topics:

What the AOPT's imaging SIG does:
Explore the paths for change through state board rulings and legislative initiatives, and learn why it's crucial to get in touch with the I-SIG. We'll also uncover the inconsistencies in CMS policies and their impact on the profession.

The opportunity of MSKUS and the RMSK:
Uncover the potential and personalized approach of MSKUS as a distinct imaging modality for physical therapists. Discover the importance of PTs taking the Registered in Musculoskeletal (RMSK) credential and stepping up alongside other physicians in the field.

Crisis and opportunity in the ongoing physician and nursing shortage: PTs to the rescue!
Examine the current crisis of impending physician and nursing shortages and understand why physical therapists are the solution. We'll explore the proof of PTs' ability to bridge the gap and reinforce their professional relevance as primary care providers.

Join us for this episode that aims to empower physical therapists and healthcare professionals alike. Together, we can coordinate initiatives, elicit favorable state rulings, and optimize legislative outcomes for PT imaging referral and PT-administered diagnostic ultrasound. Don't miss out on the insights and actionable steps that will shape the future of physical therapy and patient care.

After watching this episode, we hope our audience will be inspired to take the RMSK credential and join the movement toward PT-led imaging. Share your thoughts, and key takeaways, and spread the message by tweeting: "Take the RMSK and be a part of the change in physical therapy!"

Stay tuned for additional resources, including a legislative guide for PT imaging advocacy, and don't forget to follow Dr. Bruno Steiner and explore Lance Mabry's journal article for further insights into today's essential topics. Let's revolutionize healthcare together!

#PhysicalTherapy #MSKUS #RMSK #ImagingSIG #HealthcareCrisis #PTAdvocacy


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