San Diego Chicken Controversy 1980

Описание к видео San Diego Chicken Controversy 1980

A most ridiculous scene in a San Diego courtroom but the situation was serious. Radio station KGB claimed the costume worn by former employee Ted Giannoulas looked too much like the one originated by the station. Judge said no one can have a monopoly on chicken costumes. Ted exclaimed "free at last, free at last thank God almighty and Judge Rosado, free at last!" I guess the KGB chicken had nothing to say. John Culea doing his best to be the serious reporter--he says with a straight face--Judge Rosado said he wanted to put this to "nest." Great job John!

"We had an artist in the courtroom for the trial and all of a sudden Judge Rosado after looking at the artist said, "This is ridiculous, we need a camera in here." He pointed to a newspaper reporter and told him to get his photographer. It was a bench trial and the media was seated in the jury box. I stood up and asked the judge, "What about us?" The judge said that TV cameras would be disruptive. I replied "They are the tools of our trade. What's fair for newspapers should be fair for TV news." He looked at me for a long pause and then said, "Mr. Culea, you are right." So I quickly beckoned my photographer and he set up to get the shots of the story posted on Youtube. I can't believe that horrible-looking caterpillar under my nose. Fortunately, I shaved if off shortly after doing this story." John Culea


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