Legendary Scenes: The Problem with Werkmeister's Harmonic Principles

Описание к видео Legendary Scenes: The Problem with Werkmeister's Harmonic Principles

NOTE: The overdubbed voice is SUPPOSED to be out of sync with Fitz's mouth. Half of the actors in the film did not speak Hungarian during the shoot, so their voices were overdubbed in ADR.

"Legendary Scenes" is a new series dedicated to showing the best (and least known) scenes in cinema.

The first entry is from Béla Tarr's masterpiece, "Werckmeister Harmonies". The film was released in 2000 and is often considered to be one of the greatest films released in the 21st century. In this scene, composer György Eszter (played by Peter Fitz) records his main concerns of the musical scale set forth by the famed music theorist, Andreas Werckmeister.


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