CZ455 PRECISION TRAINER VS. SAVAGE TRR-SR (mark 2/savage 93 modified)

Описание к видео CZ455 PRECISION TRAINER VS. SAVAGE TRR-SR (mark 2/savage 93 modified)

My personal opinion these are the two most popular (precision .22) rifles on the market. The CZ is outfitted with a manner composite stock that would be exact to someone else's centerfire rifle. They are a beautiful but expensive .22. The savage is very accurate and comes equipped with a Boyd stock that has the same look and feel with wide foreend and oversized verticals palm swell. The CZ trainer is priced around $900 give or take the the savage is around $550. They both have a large following with aftermarket parts but the CZ has befinately pulled ahead in the last couple years with accessories and chassis. The price difference is definitely the manners stock. CZ also offers the rifle in same Boyd stock as the savage for around $550. This was a funday at a friends house who laid out different obstacles. Shooting a .22 gives you the ability to practice your fundementals for cheap and a lot less noise. I never understood the training rifle concept until recently when I started getting more involved in the positional shooting game. Here is a link to my friend who I shot against in the video. He has a YT channel    / nextzipcode   with a lot of precision rifle and long range stuff, plus I'll add links to both rifles if you wanna spec them out yourself. Thanks for watching

Savage trr-sr



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