M919 Fake Cache and Reproduction L2 COASt Modules

Описание к видео M919 Fake Cache and Reproduction L2 COASt Modules

Recently I got this Quantex 486DX computer with a PC Chips/Alpina M919 v3.3B/F motherboard. Turns out it's infamous for having fraudulent Level 2 cache! A few companies were doing some shady crap back in the day with fake/dummy cache chips. Not only that, but it goes so far as to lie and say that the cache is actually working when it's not, and apparently there's even some kind of lockout where you can only use their proprietary 256K COASt module. Wow... Luckily, a modern reproduction of the M919 256K cache stick exists and I've got one. Let's try it out!

Here's where I bought the new cache stick: https://www.ebay.com/itm/203544350953
And more info on the reproductions: https://www.vogons.org/viewtopic.php?...


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